Bombshell Bullies Pit Bull Rescue is dedicated to finding the very best homes for our rescue dogs. To meet this goal, we scrutinize all applications. We check all veterinarian and personal references and confirm rental arrangements with landlords. If you are serious about adopting a Pit Bull or Pit Bull mix, please complete the application IN FULL. Questions left blank will only slow the adoption procedure.
Dogs will not be placed into homes where there are/is already multiple dogs (two or more), a dog of the same sex, or an intact dog (unless there is a reasonable explanation as to why the animal remains unaltered).
Please CHECK or FILL IN the appropriate choices throughout this questionnaire
Date :
What is the name or names of the dog(s) you are applying for?:
Date Of Birth :
Home Phone #:
Cell Phone #:
Email Address:
Driver’s License #:
Work Phone:
MarriedSingleEngagedRoommates/boyfriend/girlfriendLive at home with parents
How many adults in household?:
Names, ages, and gender of everyone in household:
What is the work schedule of everyone in the home?:
How many total hours per day will the AmStaff or Pit Bull be left alone?:
Where will the dog be when home alone?:
Whose responsibility will the care of the AmStaff or Pit Bull be?
***If you live in a condo or town home, please provide section in your association’s handbook that pertains to pet ownership.
How long at this address:
Previous address if under 2 years:
If you rent, do you have landlord’s permission to keep a pit bull? YesNo
Does your home owner’s/renter’s insurance allow you to have a pit bull?
Are you allowed to own a pit bull where you live (town, village, condo, townhome, or apartment)?
If you move where pit bulls are not allowed, what would you do with the dog?:
How do you plan on socializing your puppy with other humans and dogs during its development?
If your puppy starts to exhibit aggressive behavior towards dogs during development, how would you handle this?
What is your exercise plan for your puppy?:
How are going to handle the “mouthing and teething” stage?
What do you feel is an adequate amount of time to spend in and out of the crate?
Have you ever owned an AmStaff or Pit Bull before? YesNo
If not, what is your experience with the breed?
If you move where pit bulls are not allowed, what would you do with the dog?
Does the entire family want an AmStaff or Pit Bull? YesNo
If there are any drastic changes in your lifestyle, will your dog still be part of the adjustment?
(i.e., getting married, divorced, having children, moving to an apartment) ? YesNo
Do you have a regular veterinarian? YesNo
Do you have a completely fenced yard suitable for a dog? YesNo
Do you have a kennel run? YesNo
Describe fence/kennel, type, height, and approx.size:
If no fenced yard/kennel, how will you handle an AmStaff’s or Pit Bull’s exercise and bathroom needs?
Please list all the animals you currently own and have owned in the last 5 years:
Animal’s Name & Breed Age Male or Female?: Still With You?: If you no longer own the animal/s, where are they now? YesNo Lost? YesNo Hit by car? YesNo Put to sleep/died? YesNo Why/How? : Given away? YesNo Why? To whom?
Animal’s Name & Breed Age Male or Female?: Still With You?: If you no longer own the animal/s, where are they now? Lost? YesNo Hit by car? YesNo Put to sleep/died? YesNo Why/How? Given away? YesNo Why? To whom?
Animal’s Name & Breed Age Male or Female? : Still With You? If you no longer own the animal/s, where are they now? Lost? YesNo Hit by car? YesNo Put to sleep/died? YesNo Why/How? Given away? YesNo Why? To whom?
Animal’s Name & Breed Age Male or Female? Still With You? If you no longer own the animal/s, where are they now? Lost? YesNo Hit by car? YesNo Put to sleep/died? YesNo Why/How? Given away? YesNo Why? To whom?
My AmStaff or Pit Bull will be kept in? HomeGarageBasementOutdoorsTied-outCrateOutdoor kennelFenced yard
Where do you keep your current dog (if applicable)?
Do you have other visitors/family come to your home, human or animal with which a new dog will have to interact? YesNo
Who, What?
Is your lifestyle active? YesNo
What activities do you plan to do with your dog? PetHuntingGuardObedienceOther
Will your new dog be crate trained? YesNo
We require all adopters to attend our puppy training program. Are you able to commit to triweekly sessions in Vernon Hills for the next 4 to 6 months? YesNo
Are you prepared for chewing, digging, scratching, housetraining, and/or mischievous behavior? YesNo
How will you reprimand your dog?
It may take several months for your new dog to adjust to its new home and family. How will you handle this?
What behavior would cause you to return the dog to Bombshell Bullies Pit Bull Rescue?:
Have you ever returned a dog or given up a dog in the past? :
If yes, what was the reason(s) for returning/giving up a pet? :
Do you have time, patience, love and physical ability to exercise a large dog? YesNo
Are you prepared for the close personal attention this breed requires? YesNo
Are you willing to commit to owning an AmStaff or Pit Bull for the next 10-15 years? YesNo
Do you have an age preference? YesNo
If yes, what age?
Do you have a gender preference? YesNo
If yes, what gender?
Do you have a color preference? YesNo
If yes, what color? [/label> Does it matter to you if the ears are cropped? YesNo I would be willing to consider a suitable dog of a different GenderAgeColor What kind of dog food will you feed your dog? : How many times a day will you feed your dog?: To which, if any, other shelters or rescues have you applied to within the last year? : Who recommended you contact Bombshell Bullies Pit Bull Rescue or where did you hear about us? : Please give us a NON-FAMILY reference Name: Phone: Email: Relationship: I certify that all the information provided is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge: Signature: Date: